Saturday, July 24, 2010


my relationship with my xs is very love is one pic of me loving it and one pic of me hating it, about 10 mins after my loving it shot...i love riding it, i hate working on it...maybe if i was able to spend as much time riding it as i did working on it or paying to have it worked far my freedom machine has been more like a ball and chain, with me having to work extra to pay for it to get worked on, or spending too long stabbing in the dark (working on it myself) and missing all that time with the fam...grrr, i'm getting super frustrated....but man, those 2 hours it was running was SO fun
pray that i get this thing working right for this coming moto monday...and if that doesn't work, then pray that its ready for the salt flat social...p.s to my wife...i know you would've prefered that i censor my bird, i was just to lazy to get that creative

Monday, July 12, 2010

poor bradlito

my brother complained that i didn't put up a link to his video from our trip to here is this and switch to HTML5 player ...but guess what bradlito, you and brad hall are the only people that even read this blog...maybe the trhee of us should team up and do a blog together...whatever, i am at work, better get back to it...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

wiring weekend

got the garage all set up to get busy on wiring the bike up this weekend... nick the number one neighbor is helping me...super anxious about getting this done...everyday this bike is not running, i go a little bit more insane....3 posts in one week...what!

ghostbusters hotwheels...jealous?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

strappers wedding

didn't realize i had already loaded these pictures on the computer, that makes life easier...2 posts in one week!!!...
before and after, jerm and josh

mr. and mrs. strapper

harrisonburg, va...homesweethometown

bradhall and is beautiful cb750, he is my only "follower" for my blog...maybe i should save myself the hassle and just text him my thoughts and pictures

Monday, July 5, 2010

how do you all do it?

i have so much stuff i could post about...but its probably not going to be today...just got a second here, with my little girl as my side kick talking about getting some "cute ice cream"...i got to go to go skate day with the bolts crew and met some new awesome people, finally got a bike registered and my license, picked up my xs650 from andy at pangea, my brother bought a bike '79cb650, a fun trip back to VA... all of which i could show you pictures of and talk about more IF, my computer wasnt destined to freeze any minute now, i didn't have a little wifey and 2 amazing kids, a job, an xs to get up and running and who knows what else. all of which are good for me, but not for the blog...ohwell, no one reads it anyways...except brad hall...thank bhall
for now enjoy these sweet pics that andy took....