Friday, May 20, 2011

its the end of the world....

hope you sing REM the rest of the day now...i'd put up the video of it, if i wasn't throwing this up real quick at work...

so the world may or may not end tomorrow, or start the beginning of the end as i just heard on may end in 15 mins from now...really nobody knows, if they say the do, they are a liar and/or clinically insane...

i haven't heard much on why "they" think the world is ending this time...israel typically plays some part in end of the world predictions, so my guess is that obamas comments on palestine and israel borders may have played a part of it...of that, i'd like to say: palestine has reportedly sided with hamas, who believes that israeli people do not have the right to why would you go and take land occupied by israel and give it to people who want them killed...this may be a little risky to say, but that seems like taking making some redneck KKK guy the property manager of a property occupied by african americans

we'll see how it all plays out :)

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