Tuesday, September 7, 2010

here we go again; again!

not only are my finger gestures evolving for the better, so is my attitude towards the break downs...well i still pitch a major fit and use words not found in the bible...but this time it only lasted for a few hours and not a few days...my wife even agreed that i am getting over it quicker :)...bradys pep talk really helped me get perspective (see comments of previous post)...anyways, my bike died on the way to motomonday, it was going to be my first time on this bike, my brothers first time on a bike and brad halls first one on a bike...and then my bike had to go and ruin things...i think it might be andy pangeas fault...he renamed the bike harpers heartbreaker and so far thats about all shes done...before that it was called "the cardinal" a tribute to my home state of virginia...but that name doesn't really fit with my pretty new tank and the SLC painted on it, another gift from andy...the heartbreaker is going to take on a new meaning soon, breaking hearts of those who don't have a bike with craftmanship from pangea speed and two wheeled freedom machice co. !!!!!! new alternator ordered 20 mins ago, look for us on the streets (and elsewhere) soon, and prepare yer heart


  1. Babe you are awesome! Your attitude was amazing, I thought I was going to cry when I saw you pulling over, my heart just sunk:( Dont worry though we will get her runnin!

  2. Jeff...I don't even know what to day but hang in there.
