Tuesday, September 28, 2010

jared the welder,etc

so i realized today that my nickname for jared was too limiting, hes more than a welder...therefore as of today his new name "jared the welder,etc..." at first i was thinking of calling him "baby jesus..." but ol' dirty bastard already claimed that one...what was he smoking, oh yeah, nevermind...anyways, back to jared the welder, etc..., he let me use a plasma cutter today and also showed me a bunch of other cool tools that i've never seen in person, just on t.v, going to waste on OCCif you don't know what this machine is, you can ask jared the welder,etc he'll tell you and make you feel stupid for not knowing bradys butt, i mean another shot of that one machine

this is my plasma cutting skills, i have the steady hand of a smoker...i made a heart for my wife (which i forgot to bring home)...and then thought i'd try some lettering...shoulda make it say "i heart TWFMco."

wouldn't it be nice


  1. Dude I did not realize I looked so good from behind! Oh and it's called a CNC plasma cutter.

  2. no one was wearing a kick ass flame welder helmet?

  3. haha his nick name is Masshole the welder!
